- 1/4 page (High Resolution PDF)
- 1/6 page (High Resolution PDF)
- 1/8 page (High Resolution PDF)
Sample 2021 MFC Print Ads...
The ads are available in high resolution pdfs or jpegs that you can...
1. Download and insert into the advertising medium of your choice or...
2. Submit directly to the organization from which you purchase space.
How this all works...
1. Request the appropriate sized ad for your needs..
2. We can personalize the ad for you, or we can send the unfinished ad to you in Publisher and you can complete the information at your end.
3. Insert the ad into your advertising space (i.e. in a newsletter, magazine, etc).
We are pleased to offer you pre-formatted ads to help you market the Multifaith Calendar. These ads can be used both by you or your customers who may be fundraising with the MFC.
To assist you in this, we designed the ads using Verdana, a very common font found in both PC and Mac font packages.
Click here to request 1/4 page ad (Hi Res PDF)
Click here to request 1/8 page ad (Hi Res PDF)
Click here to request 1/6 page ad (Hi Res PDF)
Click here to request a custom size ad (Hi Res PDF)
Affilliate Marketing Web Banners
To facilitate web advertising for the Multifaith Calendar, we have also created a sample web banner ads for integration onto a web site.
Link the banner ad back to your Multifaith Calendar web page and then share the banner ad with your partners and other like-minded organizations. We offer a commission to partners hosting our web banner with affiliate tracking software.
If you have any questions regarding these ads, have difficulties downloading them, or need a different format please contact: orders@multifaithaction.org