In the printed version of The Multifaith Calendar, there is often space for additional images. Where this is the case, we have selected pieces that complement the particular theme, both visually and thematically.
Following are these pieces and the artists included in the 2014 edition.
'Old Earth'
'Summer Guardians'
Roger Gray
'Short-eared Owl'
'Among the Pines'
Mieke Van Geest
'Sowing the Seeds'
Diane Moran
'Om Nama Shiva'
Rup Sidhu
Julita Wolanska
'Pulpit in the Woods'
'Cosmic Connection'
Philomena O'Dea
Mark Hodge
'The Lotus Appears and Lingers'
Wendy Smith
'The Offering'
Susy Baranszky-Job
'Ice Blue Gate to Heaven: Transcendence'
Bridgette Schnider
'The Praying Man'
Alia Youssef